Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Joe Scarborough picks his side in upcoming GOP civil war, as he destroys the televangelists

Joe Scarborough is smart.

He sees the upcoming GOP civil war, and he's chosen his side.

He's on the side of Marco Rubio and Paul Ryan. He's on the side of Chris Christie and Peggy Noonan. He's with the team of smaller government, lower taxes and the adults and intellectuals.

The other side? It's Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, Donald Trump, Mike Pence, the Tea Party, and the Religious Right.

Let the battle begin.  The GOP can no longer hold both sides together, so time to split up.  GOP, welcome back.  Fringe Tea Party and Religious Right idiots - good luck with your 10%.

Scarborough was the first major Republican to call Sarah Palin what she is - a get-rich-quick conman. And here he is, the first Republican I can ever recall taking on the televangelists. Bravo. Bravo, bravo, bravo.

"Too many other televangelists still pollute the airwaves begging for money while preaching the glories of the prosperous life. Jesus’ emphasis on servant leadership and humility obviously never penetrated the mind of these foul creatures." - Joe Scarborough in Politico, April 2011

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