Friday, April 22, 2011

Joe Scarborough named to Time Magazine Top 100, and a glowing write-up from possible VP nominee Michael Bloomberg

Again, this is all going to seem so obvious in a few months - at least to the few privileged readers of this tiny little blog...

  • Lousy GOP nominee field - check
  • Need for a centrist candidate who can win - check
  • Nominee with high name recognition - check
  • Someone who can carry Florida - check
  • A candidate who appeals to Reagan Democrats, independents, soccer moms and GOP mainstream - check
  • Hated by the lunatic rightwing nutjobs - check
Here's Michael Bloomberg, telling it like it is.  If Chris Christie declines the nod, Bloomberg will be Joe's man.

The 2011 TIME 100

Meet the most influential people in the world. They are artists and activists, reformers and researchers, heads of state and captains of industry. Their ideas spark dialogue and dissent and sometimes even revolution. Welcome to this year's TIME 100

Joe Scarborough - by Michael Bloomberg

As a group, cable-television talk-show hosts are not exactly known for independent political analysis that is free of partisan favoritism, but that is exactly what makes Joe Scarborough, 48, so refreshing — and so important. Joe's approach to politics is the same as mine: call 'em like you see 'em, and even if people don't agree with you on every issue — and they won't — they will respect you for being honest. They will know you are not shilling for a party or an ideology. And they will do exactly what you would hope any voter — and any viewer — would do: listen with an open mind and come to their own conclusions.

On every issue, Joe speaks his mind without fear or favor, because he puts his country before his party. He served for seven years as a Republican Congressman from Florida, but he is a patriot before he is a politician or a pundit. That independence is what makes Joe Scarborough such a valuable voice in American politics. And it's what makes Morning Joe such a successful show. (That, and of course the real star of the show, Mika Brzezinski.)

Bloomberg is the mayor of New York City

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Joe Scarborough picks his side in upcoming GOP civil war, as he destroys the televangelists

Joe Scarborough is smart.

He sees the upcoming GOP civil war, and he's chosen his side.

He's on the side of Marco Rubio and Paul Ryan. He's on the side of Chris Christie and Peggy Noonan. He's with the team of smaller government, lower taxes and the adults and intellectuals.

The other side? It's Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, Donald Trump, Mike Pence, the Tea Party, and the Religious Right.

Let the battle begin.  The GOP can no longer hold both sides together, so time to split up.  GOP, welcome back.  Fringe Tea Party and Religious Right idiots - good luck with your 10%.

Scarborough was the first major Republican to call Sarah Palin what she is - a get-rich-quick conman. And here he is, the first Republican I can ever recall taking on the televangelists. Bravo. Bravo, bravo, bravo.

"Too many other televangelists still pollute the airwaves begging for money while preaching the glories of the prosperous life. Jesus’ emphasis on servant leadership and humility obviously never penetrated the mind of these foul creatures." - Joe Scarborough in Politico, April 2011

Saturday, April 2, 2011

When will Joe Scarborough announce his bid for the 2012 GOP nomination? The correct answer - not until Fall 2011. He doesn't need to.

Here's Joe a few weeks ago, on Today:

"People that want to run think they can wait later"

OK. True that. And he already said that Iowa doesn't matter. And he knows he can win New Hampshire AND Florida easily - fluke of geography.

So... when will Scarborough announce?

My guess: Not until Fall 2011. After none of the announced GOP candidates gain traction, Scarborough rides in on his white horse, and says he has to do what's best for the party, and the nation.

And on to New Hampshire he'll go.  And he'll win.

Here's Joe on Iowa, if you're interested...

"In the past, Iowa caucus, have selected a lot of people that didn’t move past Iowa. Mike Huckabee last time. The religious right has a very strong foothold on the Republican Party. You’ve now got Mitt Romney saying what John McCain said four years ago, I’m just going to skip it."