Saturday, March 12, 2011

Joe Scarborough isn't conservative enough for birthers, truthers and tea party idiots. So be it. While they're sitting at home in 2012 wondering why their candidates didn't win, Joe Scarborough will be writing his inaugural address.

Scarborough (as usual) brings up a good point - if you don't hate the president, and if you don't run around talking about where he was born, you're not a true Republican.

Idiots, ignorants, wingnuts, lunatics and fringe birthers/truthers have hijacked the GOP (thank you Fox News and Sarah Palin).  2012 will be a GOP civil war.

And a smart, clear-thinking, approachable, fiscal conservative/social moderate, center/right candidate will eventually win out.  Let the Tea Party idiots be damned.  America laughs at the tea partiers.  Their sell by date has long since passed.  And Scarborough smartly knows it.

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