Saturday, February 26, 2011

Joe Scarborough, who has the courage to go after members of his own party when they're idiots (Bush, Palin, etc), asks, "Am I Not Conservative Enough".

Joe Scarborough will win the GOP nomination in 2012, and go on to win the presidency, because he possesses what something that the Mitt Romney's, Sean Hannity's and Sarah Palin's of the world lack.


It takes courage to stand up to your own party.  It takes courage to tell your friends they're wrong.  It takes courage to do the right thing.

Joe has courage, and that's what people will want, big time, in 2012.

Here's a great post from Joe at from 2010, defending his record against a smear from just another (one of many) boot-licker in his party, Brent Bozell:

Brent Bozell thinks I have fallen from the ranks of true conservatives and wrote a scathing blog on his website listing my offenses against Republicanism. Judging from the harshness of his tone, you would think that I threw my lot in with a pack of pot smoking Greenwich Village Marxists or, at the very least, lent grudging support to the public option.

But no. My crimes against conservatism were much worse. Brent Bozell has accused me of committing the unpardonable sins of saying unflattering things about George W. Bush, Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh.

The truth is that while I campaigned for President Bush and supported him in both of his runs for president, I became disillusioned with his presidency earlier than most. I wrote the book "Rome Wasn't Burnt in a Day" in 2004, and predicted if Mr. Bush and the GOP Congress didn't stop spending money at such a reckless rate, they would lose their majority and wreck the Congress.

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